QSL Buro France
???????? ???????? ????????
Team Leader: 14AT065
⚜ A team of experts with many years of experience in the world of DXing including DXpedition. All the provided technology (for QSL printing, requests collecting and so on) guarantees excellent QSL service quality
???? One email for all managers:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Current Station Supported:
75AT108 James
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
103AT101 Yves Saul
QSL Manager 14AT039 Jérôme
112AT121 Ali
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
112AT149 Bassam
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
141AT101 Jean-Marc
QSL Manager 14AT033 Ronan
147AT101 Jérôme
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
153AT102 Fred
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
162AT140 François
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
167AT101 John
QSL Manager 14AT033 Ronan
168AT101 Michel
QSL Manager 14AT107 Régis
172AT101 Philippe
QSL Manager 14AT022 René
172AT114 Yves
QSL Manager 14AT062 Christophe
172AT124 Christian
QSL Manager 14AT107 Régis
175AT011 Nicolas
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
196AT101 Bernard
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
201AT102 Camille
QSL Manager 14AT150 Jérôme
201AT155 Jean-Yves
QSL Manager 14AT062 Christophe
201AT226 Réginald
QSL Manager 14AT022 René
206AT101 Abel
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
233AT105 Gabriel
QSL Manager 14AT016 Bruno
???? One Paypal account for all QSL Buro France managers:
There are 2 possible ways:
Contact the desired QSL manager in order to get his personal address. Then send to him an envelope with inside:
A contribution of 2 USD/EURO for EU, or 3 USD/EURO if outside EU
A self addressed envelope
Your QSL card with the full data of the QSO
???? OQRS, via PayPal
Contact the QSL manager in order to get his PayPal references and agreements
When you send the contribution, please put in evidence the station you worked, the full data of the QSO, and your postal address
Please use the "GIFT" mode
✒ Don't forget to provide your Callsign, all QSO informations & your address
Blodelsheim, FR
QSL Buro France is a QSL service authorized by HQ ALFA TANGO to Asti
The new QBF is same service like Marco's Team, a second team for a stronger AT